It's what I've always suspected was true of broadband in New Zealand; it's faster to transmit information by carrier pigeon than by ADSL. This article from BusinessDay in South Africa reports on a trial where a carrier pigeon carried 4GB of data over 70km in a pinch under 2 hours 7 minutes, during which time only 5% of the 4GB was downloaded over a Telekom ADSL connection.
Not nearly as good as Epic. No where near as hoppy either, despite the, (I thought), rather grandiose, claims about how many hops were used. The balance of the hops didn't seem quite right either --- not enough bitterness to balance the fruity flavours, and even they were seemed a bit, well, thin, I suppose. Not that I'm saying it was a bad beer, and full credit to the people who brewed it; or rather, arranged its brewing, but at $20AUD for a six pack, I don't know if I'll be buying it too frequently. At least not while there are other new beers out there to try.