10 August, 2009

'Roo photos

I mentioned in my previous post that there are kangaroos on campus, here at La Trobe. Afterwards, a cry went up (three exclamation marks in one line of text counts as a cry by my standards) for some photos of them. So, Sunday morning, I took my life, and my camera into my own hands, ignoring newspaper reports of viscous kangaroo attacks, and went for a walk in the wildlife reserve that forms part of university.

These two were enjoying their breakfast, not far from the entrance to the park.

They didn't seem too aggressive, but then again, they could have just been waiting for me to get closer before they pounced.

One of the groups was clearly trying to trap me by using a cute younger kangaroo in the bushes, to lure me closer so that they could get behind me and block my escape.

They needed to use the youngest possible kangaroo, since adult kangaroos are quite ugly looking.

Though they are fun to watch when they move.

I was surprised to find that kangaroos are not originally Australian. In fact, I'm pretty sure that they originated in France. I have two pieces of evidence towards this claim, though both are based on a particular well known frenchman.

Firstly, and this isn't unique to frenchmen, I know, kangaroos are fundamentally lazy.

The second piece of evidence, however, is far more conclusive, as Bethany will attest.

More kangaroo photos from the morning on my Picasa page:

09-08 Kangaroos


  1. I am not entirely sure to get the second point, it can mean different things...

  2. I should have photoshopped in some red shorts like your ones with the small tear. It reminded me of you at Lake Dive hut...

  3. I once again just had to be eating when the hairy balls appeared right in front of me... definitely French!

  4. Bethany, you should get one of those things they use (or used to use) for putting rubber rings around calves tails, or other things, to make them drop off. If you always keep it handy you'll be ready for the next frenchman.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nice kangaroos. Congrats on finishing your thesis!


  7. I also understood the second point. Just revel in your frenchness, Romaric.
    And if Dion gives you a hard time about emulsions again, there are three words you need to remember:
    and mayonnaise....
